Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ruen, Copcake, Ruen....

Guess I'm just a little bit obsessed with drawing cupcakes at the moment... Not 100% happy with the final results but I do love the concept. Imagine if all your cupcakes went streaking? How hilarious would that be?!! (> U <)"/"

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Gift of Love

Because cupcakes win at all the things. Naturally.

Artist Note: There might be a few teething issues with the comics at the moment, as I am switching over to fully digitized art works and comics for Giggles. This is harder for me, and I have to learn how to use my Surface Pro properly, but I am excited to see where it goes. 

So, milestone! First fully digital Giggles comic! About cupcakes! (^w^)
